Eastbourne League Dinner 2012
(Photo: Malcolm Brain, Mike Kettle and Samantha Kettle after the prizegiving)
(Photo: Malcolm Brain, Mike Kettle and Samantha Kettle after the prizegiving)
(Photo: SCATT Station set up on the Pool Table)
The club was open on Sat/Sun/Mon over the new year for some SCATT training. Having aquired the technology and undergone some training on it's use, we thought it was about time we put it to some good use.
(Lewis Strotten is presented with the Class C Shield by Club Vice President David Britchford)
(Photo: Vice President David Britchford presents Jim Howard with his medal for the pairs competition)
(Photo: Eastbourne Trophies 2010)
East Grinstead target shooters walked away with a good haul of silver from the Eastbourne League annual dinner and prize-giving. Malcolm Brain won the Lodge Cup for the Long Range Summer Aggregate Macrae Handicap competition, plus the Presidents Cup for the biggest percentage increase in average in the Winter League. Malcolm also achieved the highest average in Division Three.
(Photo: View up New Ramp)
And finally, the brand new shiny galvanised steel ramp. Designed, fabricated and installed by County Fabrications, Saint Hill Farm, Saint Hill Green, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 4NG. Tel: 01342 302306.
(Photo: View of New Ramp)
(Photo: Ramp Work Party digging the holes)
We have placed an order for a ramp to assist wheelchair and trolley access and this work should be commencing soon. The majority of the funding for the ramp is being provided by Mid-Sussex District Council. Saturday, 29 January 2011 saw preparatory works for the ramp taking place in the form of three concrete pad foundations being installed. The works went well with assistance from a mini digger that did all the hard work.
As part of providing improved access to the Club (and better insulation) a new uPVC entrance door has been fitted on 8 December.The new door has a lower threshhold to make it easier for wheeled access.
(Photo: City Final - Winners)
EGTSC A Team won Div 2 over the winter season and were invited to compete against all the other division winners. On Saturday 24 April, the A team (Tim Green, Malcolm Brain, Charlie Bird, Dave Britchford and Sarah Collyer) went to Finals Day at the Surbiton Range. They also took with them the trophy (the Corporation of London cup) won last year by Eastbourne, who had left it with us at our open shoot the previous weekend.
On the same day three members made their way to East Hoathly for the Eastbourne and District Finals. Tim Green was in the Spain & Aldbury Cup (Eastbourne Championship) and tied for 2nd with Barry Butler (Eastbourne) and Richard Woolger (Southwick). Following a re-gauge (.25) Tim ended the day in 4th.