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Air Range Upgrade 2017

Existing Setup

The existing setup has 4 firing points with two Rika target changers that are about 25 years old and two others that date back to the early 1980's. The other two older units have been repaired on several occasions and the switches are getting dodgy again. We also have to dismantle and reassemble this setup 5 times a year when we use the air range as the marking room for open shoots and as additional space during the Christmas shoot.

English Match 2017

(Photo Courtesy of Elaine Kettle: Note the variation in the wind flags!)

Nick wins the Day

Nick Mullins (5th Sussex HG) managed to master the variable conditions and came out top in A Class with a magnificent score of 594 ex 600. The threatened wind and rain just about held off until after shooting finished on both days but that didn't mean the conditions were easy.

Fullbore Shoot March 2017

Club Full Bore Shoot – Bisley Sunday 26 March 2017

Course of Fire: 600 yards - Two details with one detail nominated as the score to count before the match.

A blustery and chilly wind with changing light. Nominated detail scores in bold.

Facebook Group - Part 5

Mike Kettle. July 25, 2016

The committee have decided that this closed FB group will be removed over the coming weeks.
Future posts will be on the clubs FB page.

Elaine Kettle. October 16, 2016

Well that didn't last long!!

David White. August 28, 2016

Sussex Sextette shooting at Bisley....the drone flyby shots should be interesting when photos/video are published.
