All ranges are open as usual subject to booking a firing point. Coacha is now used for bookings. You will need your Coacha login details in order to make a booking. [Book appointment]
Probationary Shooters - Supervision: Please try and book at least 24 hours ahead so that we can see you are coming, and we can arrange to have someone available. The system allows you to book much later than that. Although we will do our best to accommodate you, a late booking carries the risk that we may not have anyone available in which case you will not be allowed to shoot.
Outdoors: Shooters wishing to shoot outdoors at both 50m and 100yds in the same visit are reminded to ONLY book for the 100yd session. The duty officer will organise the actual firing point allocations on the day.
See Calendar for details. [Link to Calendar / Duty Rota]
The timings on the booking system for the indoor range changed from the beginning of December. The booked time is now the time you start the detail. Please arrive in time to get ready to shoot.
The following facilities are now available each time we are open:
- Indoor Range: 4 sessions and 7 firing points.
- Air Range: 3 sessions and 4 firing points (one FP is 6yd)
- Outdoor Range: 4 details and 9 firing points at 50m, 6 firing points at 100yd. This is very flexible as there is more than adequate space available.
Click here for more details. [Link to Timetable]
Please Note: This is a guide. The Duty Officer has absolute control over the range and may, at their discretion, vary the timings to ensure the safe and effective operation of the range, should they feel that the situation warrants it.